Sunday, November 27, 2011

My name is Melissa, I'm 30 year's old and I have a beautiful little girl named Brooke. 

I love to be Creative!
I enjoy Making and Baking just about everything. I love to bake, Scrapbook, Take Pictures, Decorate, Do crafts, Plan Parties, "make just about anything" and my next task is to learn to Sew!!

Me and Brooke

Brooke is 4 year's old, she is my perfect little Angel!
She is smart, loving and so beautiful. Nothing could possibly top seeing her adorable face and hearing her cute voice every morning when i wake up.  Brooke and I do just about everything together and have so much fun! 
I am so Lucky to have the most amazing little "BEST FRIEND"!

I started this page to share all of the fun and creative thing's I do with other mom's.  I also research just about everything and I would love to share all of the useful mom knowledge that I find out.

I hope that you find all of these thing's as exciting and useful as I do!!!

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